My Fab Five Math Centers! - Part 3

Who has time to keep making and switching Math Centers every week? I know I don't, and if you are reading this, chances are you don't either.

I like to set up most of my centers in the beginning of the year and adapt them when needed.

Pocket Charts are a great way to do this. They provide students with meaningful practice, without being too demanding on you!

A handful of materials will keep this center relevant week after week!

Here are some examples of how to use Pocket Charts in your classroom.

Set goes from 1-120 and includes number words.

  • Print a set of cards from 1 to 120 for your pocket chart center. 
  • Start the year with a few numbers and add more  each week.
  • Have students match the number cards to the number words.
  • Have students write the numbers and number words in their journals.
  • Skip count by 2s, 5s, and 10s.

Set includes Tallies, Base Ten Blocks to 30, and 3 versions of "I Have Who Has" game.

Here's another set of cards that you can print once and use for a long time.

  • First, let students order only the Tally Marks cards.
  • Then, switch to Base Ten Blocks cards.

  • Finally, use both sets at the same time. (This is an awesome activity because kids have to switch between counting by 5s to read the tallies and counting by 10s to read the base ten block numbers!)

"I Have Who Has..." game.

When your students have mastered these centers, switch the cards one last time to the "I Have Who Has..." cards. Besides teaching math, those are great to build social skills (taking turns, being patient, paying attention).

The Tally Marks and Base Ten Blocks set that I sell at my TpT store comes with 3 sets of games!

I hope this post inspired you to use Pocket Charts in your classroom. They are such an easy way to keep students engaged, can be set up in just a few minutes, and only need to be changed a handful of times!

Here are 3 other Fab Math Centers posts:

My Fab Five Math Centers! - Part 1

My Fab Five Math Centers! - Part 2

My Fab Math Centers! - Part 4

The next links are for free and paid resources that I offer in my store:

✔ 1st Grade Place Value
✔ 2nd Grade Place Value
✔ Counting to 120
✔ Counting to 1,000

AND, you can get a FREE SAMPLE of both resources right here! (Second Grade Free Samples to come!)

I also include plenty of Counting and Place Value practice on my Math Homework! Just click on the captions to check out the product preview, and grab FREE SAMPLES from each!

First Grade Math Homework.
Second Grade Math Homework

What Fab Math Centers do you use in your classroom? I would love to hear from you!

Until next time,